Public Safety

Ensuring a safe and fair community is at the heart of our shared vision. Safety isn't just about locking our doors, it's about safeguarding our neighborhoods and our businesses. As a community advocate, my commitment goes beyond merely enhancing public safety, it centers around the fundamental principle of equity. It's long past time that we recognize Wilmington can be safer, and that true public safety ensures we have walkable and well-lit streets. As your city councilmember, I will advocate for:

  • Establishing an office of violence prevention

  • Increasing police response time

  • Increasing funding for community violence intervention programming

  • Creating a youth engagement plan.


Housing is a fundamental human right, and I am wholeheartedly dedicated to addressing the housing affordability crisis. Wilmington has already taken some steps in the right direction with several affordable housing developments planned for Wilmington. I'll advocate for:

  •  A multifaceted approach including requiring developers to include affordable housing units in new projects Fight to protect long-time residents from unfair evictions and foreclosures

  •  Work with stakeholders to convert existing vacant properties to affordable and quality housing.

Quality of Life

Preserving and expanding Wilmington’s outstanding quality of life is a commitment I take seriously. 

  • I will work to improve our district’s parks, playgrounds, and green spaces to provide all community members with safe, clean, and accessible outdoor areas. 

  • I will encourage more community gardens and incentivize our local corner stores to provide fresh and healthy food in our community which is crucial to empowering neighbors with the resources they need to thrive in the 1st District.

Economic Growth and Sustainable Development

We are going to hear a lot about livability in Wilmington, but we also need to talk about affordability. Wilmington must be a place where people can afford to live. If we continue to lose our young families, our artists, our small business owners, and our middle class, Wilmington’s challenges will be even harder to solve in the future. It’s time we are honest about how the City Council’s decisions affect our economy – who it helps and who it hurts. Zoning changes incentivize some types of development over others. Business subsidies like tax breaks and fee caps help some businesses but not all. And transportation decisions can change the face of neighborhoods in a matter of a few years. If we aren’t centering working people and underrepresented communities in these decisions, we won’t create a sustainable economy. When our communities are resilient, we can adapt to a changing economy – and we know our economy will change, from climate change and automation to predictable population changes. I'm committed to prioritizing responsible and sustainable growth while supporting local businesses and job creation. Enhancing our commercial areas and assisting local entrepreneurs, with a focus on inclusive economic development, is part of the plan.
Embracing sustainability is key to our city's future. As your Councilmember, 

  • I will collaborate with city partners to integrate eco-friendly features into new development projects making Wilmington more walkable, bike-friendly, and environmentally conscious. 

  • I will advocate for updated policies, incentives, and partnerships to reduce greenhouse gas emissions which is essential to paving the way for a thriving, renewable energy-powered future.

  • Holding Developers Accountable - Currently developers use and abuse tax incentives given to them by our City Government. These incentives have led to overgrowth without a growing tax base, a lack of investment in certain areas, and a strain on investment in our people! If we give a developer or company public dollars, then it must be fair to the taxpayer. 

  • I will push to ensure that all public dollars are closely monitored, require recipients to hire local talent, ensure all workers are paid a living wage and proper benefits, and that recipients don't take any shortcuts to save them a quick buck. 

  • I will support workforce development, and investments in job training that is preparing residents for the jobs we’ll need in the future. 

  • I will support every opportunity to create good jobs, registered apprenticeship programs, and career pathways, in diverse industries.

  • I will fight to hold developers accountable - Currently developers use and abuse tax incentives given to them by our City Government. These incentives have led to overgrowth without a growing tax base, a lack of investment in certain areas, and a strain on investment in our people! If we give a developer or company public dollars, then it must be fair to the taxpayer